The Olive Oil Tasting

Olive Oil Tasting in Umbria-Tuscany

Come and visit us at il Fontanaro to enjoy your first olive oil experience.

Here is a brief introduction on our Olive Oil Tasting.
  • The color of the extra virgin olive oil is not an indication of its purity or lack of it.
  • When you  do an Olive Oil Tasting usually the best oil is gold color!
  • The true extra virgin olive oil is the result of the first press of olives, shortly after they have been picked. Ideally within few  hours from the time they are picked.
Olive Oil Tasting in Umbria Tuscany
  • You will learn also to read the olive oil packaging  and to choose among all at the shop.
  • Learn to choose among all olive brand what is the most real natural and good at our olive oil tasting
Olive Oil Tasting Booking Details 
  • We are located in Paciano, Umbria, Italy.  Our village of Paciano, every year in November/December organize one of the  Olive Oil Tasting of  Umbria Tuscany.
  • To book your olive oil experience write to: 
  • Cost is 20 € per person.
  • The olive oil tasting is every day except of Saturday and Sunday. Always at 10.30 AM.
  • Read our reviews on Tripadvisor.

Il Fontanaro Organic Olive Oil estate is always proud to show you the olive mill and the estate and to share with the passion for the best Italian olive oil in the world!   Here at Fontanaro you can also adopt an olive tree. 

  • We have been rated among the best organic olive oil in the world.
  • After the Olive Oil tasting you can buy at the farm our olive oil or you cab decide if to order it online (we deliver world wide) and if to adopt an olive tree.
What a surprise!

We participated at the olive harvest with the Pinelli family. I must say that the atmosphere that was breathed was magical. Then we attended their oil festival, along with a hundred other people. Fantastic experience that we will take with us. Grazie mille!

Endless flavour

Every time we come to Paciano meeting Lucia, we are amazed at how the simplest things can be the most wonderful.

Martin Moore